RFA Application Round 9
Date *
Name of person completing this form *
Email of person completing this form *
College *
Cuyamaca College
Grossmont College
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
Imperial Valley College
MiraCosta College
Palomar College
San Diego City College
San Diego Continuing Education
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
Southwestern College
San Diego Community College District
RFAs Round 9 *
Accelertaing Career Education Outcomes Investments
Counselor Institute 2.0
Job Placement Case Management (JPCM) - Employer Engagement
Sector Investment Projects
Work-Based Learning Coordinator (WBLC) - Employer Engagement
CTE Dean/Associate Dean (First & Last Names): *
CTE Dean/Associate Dean Email Address: *
Project Lead(s) (First & Last Names): *
Project Lead(s) Email Address: *
Project Fiscal Reporter for NOVA (First&Last Name) *
Project Fiscal Reporter for NOVA Email Address: *
Equity Strategies: Select the 1st equity strategy this project will address? (Dropdown menu – only select one) *
Equity-mindedness and data literacy in teaching and learning (e.g., using equity gaps data to inform teaching and learning)
Inclusive curriculum (e.g., using a race-conscious, equity-minded, and/or decolonized lens to review curriculum)
Inclusive pedagogy/andragogy (e.g., creating intentional professional development opportunities on diversity, equity, inclusion practices)
Review of local CTE/CE program paths (e.g., understanding learning barriers in current paths and adjusting practices according)
Review of local scheduling practices (e.g., identifying gaps that harm underrepresented and minoritized students)
Educate industry and employer partners (e.g., developing free or low cost short-term, noncredit, community education programs for employer partners)
Empower race-conscious, equity-minded industry and employer partners (e.g., creating a community of practice within the workforce development framewor
Work closely with employers to develop “transformative employment opportunities” and diversify representation in high-wage, high-demand CE/CTE occupat
Improve coordination and communication by developing institutionalized processes and tools to help students meet their basic needs and complete their
Identifying viable student support interventions that increase completion of adult students
Increase the sense of belonging by establishing a “caring campus” culture, providing faculty, staff, and administrators with professional development
Develop targeted recruitment and retention strategies for program with significantly underrepresented groups
Which marginalized student population is the focus of the selected equity strategy? *
How is this project intentionally redesigning systems to better support and service marginalized students? *
What is the intended outcome of this strategy? *
What data will be collected and analyzed to determine if the outcome was achieved? *
If applicable, select the 2nd equity strategy this project will address? (Dropdown menu-only select one)
Equity-mindedness and data literacy in teaching and learning (e.g., using equity gaps data to inform teaching and learning)
Inclusive curriculum (e.g., using a race-conscious, equity-minded, and/or decolonized lens to review curriculum)
Inclusive pedagogy/andragogy (e.g., creating intentional professional development opportunities on diversity, equity, inclusion practices)
Review of local CTE/CE program paths (e.g., understanding learning barriers in current paths and adjusting practices according)
Review of local scheduling practices (e.g., identifying gaps that harm underrepresented and minoritized students)
Educate industry and employer partners (e.g., developing free or low cost short-term, noncredit, community education programs for employer partners)
Empower race-conscious, equity-minded industry and employer partners (e.g., creating a community of practice within the workforce development framewor
Work closely with employers to develop “transformative employment opportunities” and diversify representation in high-wage, high-demand CE/CTE occupat
Improve coordination and communication by developing institutionalized processes and tools to help students meet their basic needs and complete their
Identifying viable student support interventions that increase completion of adult students
Increase the sense of belonging by establishing a “caring campus” culture, providing faculty, staff, and administrators with professional development
Develop targeted recruitment and retention strategies for program with significantly underrepresented groups
Equity Strategies
Which marginalized student population is the focus of the selected equity strategy? *
How is this project intentionally redesigning systems to better support and service marginalized students? *
What is the intended outcome of this strategy? *
What data will be collected and analyzed to determine if the outcome was achieved? *
Vision 2030
Select the Vision 2030 objective(s) that align with this project? (select all that apply) *
Align Education with Workforce Needs
Building Stronger Partnerships
Close Equity Gaps
Ensuring Affordability and Financial Support
Increase Credential and Degree Attainment
Leveraging Technology for Innovation
Student-Centered Enrollment and Support
Sustainability and Climate Resilience
What data will be collected and analyzed to determine if the outcome was achieved? *
Accelerating Career Education Outcomes Investments
List names and email addresses of other Administrators, Classified Professionals, and Faculty participating in this project *
Describe the proposed Accelerated Career Education Outcomes Investment project. *
What evidence indicates that this investment will accelerate outcomes for Career Education students? *
What are the targeted Career Education student populations? *
How will they be intentionally served? *
What are the specific outcomes of this project? *
What data will be collected and analyzed to determine these outcomes are met? *
Signature Approval Form *
Budget *
Counselor Institute 2.0
Counseling Dean (First & Last Name): *
Counseling Dean Email Address: *
Director of Professional Development/Teaching & Learning/Equivalent (First & Last Name): *
Director of Professional Development/Teaching & Learning/Equivalent Email Address: *
Institutional Research Dean (First & Last Name): *
Institutional Research Dean Email Address: *
Researcher 1 (First & Last Name): *
Researcher 1 Email Address: *
Researcher 2 (First & Last Name): *
Researcher 2 Email Address: *
Estimated number of part-time and full-time faculty who will participate (no fewer than 7, no more than 25) *
How will the college recruit counselors (full time and part time) for the Counselor Institute? *
What is the college’s plan for institutionalizing the learnings from the Counselor Institute? *
Signature Approval Form *
Budget *
Job Placement Case Management (JPCM)
JPCM (First & Last Name): *
JPCM Email Address: *
Describe the activities planned for the fiscal year (2025-2026). *
How are these activities aligned with the purposes of this project? *
What is the targeted Career Education student populations? *
How will they be intentionally served? *
What is the target number for student meetings? *
What is the target number for student referrals to jobs (mass email)? *
What is the target number for direct student referrals to jobs? *
What is the target number for students employed through JPCM efforts? *
Signature Approval Form *
Budget *
Sector Investment Projects
List names and email addresses of other Administrators, Classified Professionals, and Faculty participating in this project *
Describe the proposed Sector Investment project *
What evidence indicates this project will respond to regional industry/employer workforce needs? *
What are the targeted Career Education student populations? *
How will they be intentionally served? *
What are the specific outcomes of this project? *
What data will be collected and analyzed to determine these outcomes are met? *
Signature Approval Form *
Budget *
Work-Based Learning Coordinator (WBLC)
WBL Coordinator (First & Last Name): *
WBL Coordinator Email Address: *
Describe the activities planned for this project. How are these activities aligned with the purposes of this project? *
What diverse types of WBL strategies will be implemented and made available for Career Education students? *
How will the activities for this project impact traditionally underrepresented and disproportionately impacted Career Education students? *
Signature Approval Form *
Budget *